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Legal notice     European Milk Board ASBL | Rue de la Loi 155 | B-1040 Bruxelles


Three levels of activity

The basic prerequisite for a sustainable milk production is a milk price that covers the average milk production costs. The EMB works on three levels to achieve this:


  1. Uniting milk producers under one umbrella organisation to put up a strong front against the highly concentrated dairy industry and food retail trade
  2. Explaining to consumers the correlation between supermarket prices and food production in the future; because you cannot shop sensibly unless you are well informed.
  3. Introducing flexible control of volumes to adjust the volume of milk to market demand

Our member organisations are working on a national level to put these measures into action. The European Milk Board is responsible for the European level of politics, the dairy industry and the food trade. To this end, it also carries out PR extending into national press. The EMB co-ordinates pan-European projects such as Fair Milk, represented by the life-size artificial cow “Faironika”, as well as scientific studies e.g. on the production costs of milk or the monitoring agency.