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Extraordinary rally of European farmers in Paris

Their demand: fair agriculture – NOW!






In a peaceful protest at the Paris International Agricultural Show (SIA), farmers from various sectors from all across Europe called on decision makers to implement a real solution to the crisis in agriculture. To this end, it is essential to implement the reforms for a fair cost-covering price on the market now in order for agriculture to be fair at last.

Here are some comments from participating producers from all over Europe

Adrien Lefèvre, President of APLI, France: “We are a peaceful farming community. But we are not well represented, for example by organisations from COPA-COGECA. Today, so many European countries were represented here at the SIA at this rally organised by the APLI and the EMB. They really defend our profession and a fair price. A big thank you to all these brave producers. ‘Lève-toi, producteur d'Europe – Stand up if you are a European farmer’.”
Kjartan Poulsen, EMB Chairman and representative of LDM, Denmark: "The way Europe is acting now is not good. We are all here to call for a fair Europe. We are in the heart of France – in Paris – where people have a high regard for food. French policy makers are called upon to ensure that European agriculture, which produces this food, is really fair.”
Boris Gondouin, APLI and French EMB Board member: "It was a magical moment to see all the representatives of the various European countries here at our rally at the SIA. Policy makers need to know that farmers are able to get organised. But our political representatives also need to support producers with the right policy. A policy that strongly promotes fair milk and which implements good concepts for fair agriculture. They say that France should push for some kind of EGALIM law to be implemented at European level – the perfectly right concept for this is Fair Milk, which should get the necessary political support in order to be further developed for all agricultural sectors."
His colleague Jean-Luc Pruvot, President of FaireFrance, adds: "Fair Milk is very important to solve the ongoing crisis in the agricultural sector."
Carlos Neves, APROLEP, Portugal: "We are here to fight together for a fair milk price and a simpler and fair CAP."
Jonas Vilionis, LPGA, Lithuania: "The first thing every EU citizen does when they wake up in the morning, after going to the bathroom, is to open the fridge. When they open it, they are greeted by farmers' products. Our call to consumers: show solidarity with producers so that these vital farmers' products will still be there to greet you in the future."

Romuald Schaber, BDM and Fair Milk Germany: "We are farmers from Germany and we came to the rally in Paris to show our solidarity with our French colleagues and with all our European colleagues. We call for a cost-covering price and we will continue to fight for this together."

Leif Langen, Bondesolidaritet, Norway: "Norwegian farmers, represented by Bondesolidaritet, support the European farmers' demand for cost-covering prices."

Guntis Gūtmanis, EMB Board member and representative of LOSP, Latvia: "All countries together – all farmers together – are fighting for fair prices that cover the cost of production. It's actually very simple: no farmers, no food, no future."

Guy Francq, member of the EMB board and representative of MIG, Belgium:"They have to listen to us and to the demands put forward in our demonstrations. For example, that we need mirror clauses for imports as well as cost-covering producer prices."

Erwin Schöpges, Fairebel, Belgium: "This is a demonstration in favour of fair agriculture. Fair to farmers thanks to cost-covering prices, fair to processors and also fair to retailers. Agriculture where the consumer can ultimately be sure that everyone in the value chain has been treated fairly."




Kjartan Poulsen – President of EMB (EN, DK, DE): +45 (0)212 888 99
Boris Gondouin – EMB Executive Committee Member (FR): +33 (0) 6 79 62 02 99
Silvia Däberitz – Director of EMB (FR, DE, EN): +49 (0)176 380 98 500

Adrien Lefèvre – President of APLI (FR): +33 (0) 6 75 43 62 82 

Jean-Luc Pruvot – President of FaireFrance (FR): +33 6 76 98 00 50

Pictures: BDM and EMB