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Switzerland: Farmer’s rally in Sempach/Switzerland

On Saturday, 29th september 2009, the swiss organisation of dairy farmers BIG-M, the people’s party (SVP Switzerland) and the centre of swiss farmers (BZS) have organised a farmer’s rally in Sempach LU/Switzerland. About 10.000 dairy farmers and their families as well as a large number of consumers demonstrated with their presence, that they cannot accept the current course of european agricultural politics any more. So they are in favour of changing the system and also claim a general quantitative restriction of milk being regulated by law. It should be possible to adapt the supply to the demand.

With alphorns, banners and cowbells farmers arrived in Sempach. They all came to remedy the mismanagement of politics concerning the european milk market. BIG-M, SVP and BZS came to an agreement about the incompetence of politicians and conservative farmer's organisations to reorganize milk politics. The 'basis' has to put them under pressure. This is only possible with a national demonstration, like it was in Sempach. 

<link _top external-link-new-window external link in new>Pictures Sempach

<link fileadmin dokumente schweiz sempach_en.doc download file>