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Germany: dairy farmers demand an official survey from federal prime ministers

BDM- dairy farmers will go to their federal state chancelleries tomorrow and on friday all over Germany and hand over the demand for a survey.

For further information in German, please contact in Germany (+49):

Bayern – Balthasar Brandhofer: 0174-9515253

Hessen – Stefan Mann: 0151-55037176

Nordrhein-Westfalen – Karl-Josef…


Austria: IG-Milch press conference about development on milk market

 Date: Friday 3rd July 2009
Where: Steirer Himmel
Hoher Markt 13
3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs
Start: 10.00 a.m.
for questions in German:
Ernst Halbmayr ( Freie Milch Austria)  0043 0664 9249635
Hubert Buchinger 0043 -   0676 7129947



News from France:

1.500 dairy farmers at meeting in West France - main toppic - milk delivery strike

The APLI - French dairy farmer organisation introduces itself

APLI was formed in the southwest of France in December 2008.
From a handful of producers refusing subservience and manipulation, a national movement was born, one that with rapid…


Press invitation: Conference in Luxembourg 22/6/2009

Dear Sirs,

we invite you cordially to our press conference at the occasion of the EU farm council meeting coming Monday in Luxembourg.

It will take place on Monday 22/6/2009 at 10:30 in Eischen Paul  Restaurant
45, av. J-F Kennedy, L - 1855  Luxembourg  -  Kirchberg

The Restaurant is just next to the place of the manifestation to…


1000 tractors protest dairy income collapse at EU summit

Over 1000 tractors have assembled in Brussels as part of the European Milk Board (EMB) demand for a solution to the dairy crisis within the EU. The message from the milk producers to the politicians and Commission officials is clear: it’s time for a volume reduction and it’s time for the politicians to make the necessary…


More than 3000 farmers with 1000 tractors in Brussels

More than 3000 milk produceers with 1000 tractors make it clear to their heads of government: put milk at the top of the agenda! 4pm


Dairy farmers in France do not stop their actions

Tuesday, 16 June 2009: News from France

50 angry farmers blocked shopping areas and supermarkets with 30 tractors, and dumped bundles of straw and litter on the car parks. They are protesting about their dwindling income. (Quimper in Normandy)
Traffic is partially flowing again on the Morlaix Viaduct (between Rennes and Brest,…


European dairy farmers demand in Brussels - milk has to be issue for head of government

On 18 and 19 June milk producers from all over Europe will be demonstrating with their tractors to make it very clear to the heads of state and government of the EU countries at their meeting in Brussels how drastic the milk market situation in Europe is. German dairy farmers will also be calling on fellow female farmers in…


Newsletter June 2009


The Newsletter of June - complete version here